Sunday, January 16, 2011

So how do we get started??

I'll be the first person to tell you that I am no Martha Stewart, in fact, maybe she isn't even the appropriate reference to use when referring to children's crafts..... Hmmm, don't know who is, I'll have to look that up.  Great, homework for the next blog :-)

So, what do you need to do to get started on Monkey's Momma crafts, hopefully not a whole lot.  My hope is that most of the crafts that we will do, use only items that most parents would already have at home.  Some of the typical items I would assume you have on hand:
  • Crayons/colored pencils/markers
  • Construction Paper
  • Ticssue Paper
  • Paper Plates
  • Lunch bags
  • Glue of some sort
  • Glitter (particularly if you have a little girl!)
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Yarn
In addition, we will probably use some items that you can save from around the house, such as paper towel rolls or empty egg cartons.  And, for some of the holiday specific crafts, we may need a few specific purchases.  At the beginning of each post, I will list the materials required for that project. 

There are a few things that have made doing projects a little easier.  One of the things I have done is created a craft kit using a fishing box (or you could use a sewing box too.) 

    This has allowed me to easily see what I have - and more importantly to put away the craft items easily when we are done with the project.  I've come to learn the hard way that it isn't a good thing for a preschooler to have unlimited access to glue, glitter and ink pads.  Take my word on this. 
    You will have an abundance of "masterpieces" after following a few of these craft projects.  I try to hang some of the better projects in my daughter's playroom and alternate the art as new things are created.  I then save only the favorites.  The rest I photograph, and then.....toss. 
    Yes, I admit I throw out my child's artwork.  If I didn't my house would be overcome with binoculars made from toilet paper rolls and very glittery princess crowns. 
    So, I think that is it.  Have fun, enjoy the time with your child, and release your creative side - your child will love it!

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