Monday, February 28, 2011

My Shadow

So, I admit, I'm cheating.  I can't even pretend that I made this project, or that it took less than 30 minutes.  We got the above blanket as a gift from my daughter's best friend Megan's Grandma.  If I could sew, I even think I could create one of these blankets, and Halsey has deemed it her favorite "cuddling" blanket. 

We did help make the blanket.  Our part consisted of tracing Halsey's outline on a long piece of butcher paper.  Megan's Grandma then used our outline to make a pattern for her blanket.  She used Tinkerbell fabric to make Halsey's shape and letters for her name.  Then she sewed it onto a big piece of fleecy soft material and seemed the edges.

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