Thursday, March 10, 2011

Marshmallow Tinker Toys!

Difficulty:  *

Time Commitment: *

Mess Potential:  *

This project was SO easy, no mess and a lot of fun.  All that is needed is jumbo marshmallows and a bunch of straws.  The only straws that we had at home were the kind with the flexible bend, straight would have been better, but we made these work. 

To create the marshmallow art, simply stick a straw into the marshmallow to use as the connector between the straws.  Your child can create all types of shapes just like we did as you can see below. 
I asked Halsey what shape she wanted to make and she said circle.......well, almost any shape.

The dog hoping that our creation falls over! 

Ahh.... marshmallow success.  Yes, dogs do like marshmallows!

Halsey, exercising after making a dumbbell.